
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript is double-spaced in Microsoft Word format and in Arial or Times New Roman font.
  • The manuscript does not contain any form of identification of the authors, even in the item entitled Propertiesof the document.
  • Any complementary files with graphs and tables are annexed in publishable format and, as per instructions, should be identified in the same way as they are in the text.
  • Graphic components and tables are placed as near as possible to the point in the text where they are discussed.
  • The manuscript complies with all norms related to formatting.
  • The full name, contact (e-mail), country of residence, ORCID, institution/affiliation, and biography summary (maximum degree, place of training, professional activity and mailing address) were included in the register of all authors.
  • The abstract contains approximately 200 words and was submitted in the three indicated languages (Portuguese, English and Spanish)
  • Ensure to insert the Originality statement and the Complementary submission information form [both in PDF format] as "Other" in Step 2 of the "Manuscript transfer" submission.
  • In case the article or research involves procedures with human participants, or sensitive data according to LGPD (Brazilian General Data Protection Law), please ensure to submit proof of approval from the Ethics Committee regarding the data collection that formed the basis for the manuscript's elaboration.

Author Guidelines

Types of documents accepted


Rebep accepts manuscripts for publication in the following categories:

  •  Review articles: critical review of the literature - not just bibliographic reviews - on topics in the field of population studies and related areas (maximum of 10,000 words and three illustrations);
  •  Original articles: research papers that contain results of empirical, theoretical, experimental or conceptual research (maximum 8,000 words and five illustrations);
  •  Technical notes or research notes: presentation of preliminary analyses of relevant research (maximum 3,000 words and three illustrations);
  •  Point of view: a qualified opinion on a relevant topic or a critique of an article published in a previous issue (maximum 3,000 words and two illustrations);
  •  Book reviews: reviews of books published in the last three years (maximum 3,000 words);
  •  Debate: essays discussing topics in population dynamics, followed by evaluations from invited authors and the author's response. Maximum length of 8,000 words with up to five illustrations (maximum of 8,000 words and five illustrations).

Notice that word count does not consider titles, abstracts, keywords and references. Rebep accepts the submission of preprints.



Authors' Contribution


As of 2024, Rebep has adopted the CREDiT taxonomy structure. Each author must describe her/his contribution to the manuscript preparation process through the Complementary submission information form.



Preparation of the manuscript

  •  The file submitted for review must be in Microsoft Word format and can not contain any author identification. Refer to "Article Submission Format" for complete guidelines.
  •  Check that the short-form citations used in the text and footnotes include the author's name, year of publication, and, where relevant, the page number and that they are correctly referenced at the end of the text according to ABNT standards. When citing electronic sources such as journals, e-books, digital theses, and dissertations, please include the complete URL at the end of the reference. For long URLs, use the service: to shorten them.
  •  Ensure the use of standardized keywords according to the following thesauri: Information Science Thesaurus (IBICT)UNESCO Thesaurus or ERIC Thesaurus. Failure to include standardized keywords will result in authorization for the insertion of new standardized terms. If you have any questions, please contact the journal's editorial office. The number of keywords must be up to 5 (five), both in Portuguese and in English and Spanish.
  •  Make sure you have registered for the ORCID iD and provide this information for each author on the submission platform. Also ensure to indicate the complete affiliation of the authors on the same platform, including the institution, college, department, city, state, and country. For example: Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina, Departamento de Pediatria, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Additionally, please insert a summary of each author's biography, including their highest degree, professional activity, and academic background. Finally, don't forget to include the email contact information of all authors.
  •  The submission must be both authentic and unique, meaning that it has not been previously published and/or submitted to another journal at the same time. For this purpose, please complete the Originality statement.
  •  Fill out the Complementary submission information form and all 6 of its items: 1. CRediT, 2. Acknowledgements, 3. Funding, 4. Conflict of interest, 5. Ethics Committee approval and 6. Compliance with Open Science. 
  •  Insert the Originality statement and the Complementary submission information form [both in PDF format] as "Other" in Step 2 of the "Manuscript transfer" submission. 
  •  Ensure that you have submitted the Ethics Committee approval for data collection involving human participants or sensitive data following the LGPD.


Article Submission Format


Please prepare your manuscript using Microsoft Word and use double spacing with either Arial or Times New Roman font size 12. Please do not include any author identification in the manuscript itself. For Review Articles, Original Articles, Technical and Research Note submissions, please include an abstract and keywords in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. Submissions of the type of Point of view and Book review do not require an abstract.


1. Authors must submit complete and final articles. The editors will review proofs based on the received text, and the authors will be responsible for the original submission.

2. All articles will be signed by their authors and may not reflect the views of the Editorial Committee or the Journal.



Digital Assets

  •  Tables, graphs, figures, maps, and charts should be presented in the text, in the approximate place they will appear in the final publication, with consecutive and independent numbering, in Arabic numerals, each identified at the top by the term TABLE, GRAPH, MAP or FIGURE, followed by its order number. Tables and charts should preferably be in object format and not as figures in the text.
  •  The titles of the complementary elements must identify their content, explain the variables and population groups referred to, and identify the place and date/period to which the data refers. The titles of the graph axes must be explicit.
  •  The source of the data used in these elements must identify the database, with information on the producer of the data, the specific database, and the year(s) of reference, following ABNT standards. Changes made to the data by the authors can be indicated in a 'Note' below the data source, as well as the authorization obtained from the publishers to reproduce objects taken/adapted from other publications. The "source" item should indicate the data source and not who designed the graphic element.
  •  In separate files, attach complementary elements to the submission: graphs, figures and maps. These files should be sent in editable formats (not as figures). For example, if generated in spreadsheets, they should be sent in a spreadsheet file with each element identified in the same way as it appears in the text in Word. Graphics not generated in a spreadsheet should be sent in an editable EPS, WMF, or PDF format with high resolution (300 dpi or more). Maps and photos should also be sent in an editable format. The main title and data source should not be included as part of these elements but separately in the text.
  •  Graphs, tables, maps, and figures can be colored.


Citations and References


Rebep uses the normative instructions of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) as a reference, as indicated below:

  •  Quotations: When transcribing text, it is important to enclose in-text transcriptions of up to three lines in double quotation marks. Use single quotation marks to indicate a quotation within a quotation. Avoid using transcriptions longer than three lines, but if necessary, highlight them with a 4 cm indentation from the left margin in a smaller font size than the text and without quotation marks. Indicate any deletions or additions using square brackets. To identify the source of the quotation, use the author-date-page number system in brackets (ABNT NBR 10520).
  •  Explanatory notes: Comments, clarifications, or explanations that cannot be included in the main text can be added as footnotes. It is recommended to use Arabic numerals for numbering and to keep the number sequence unique and consecutive throughout the article. The ABNT NBR 10520 should be followed while adding footnotes. However, it is suggested to keep the usage of footnotes to a minimum.
  •  Bibliographical references: the essential elements are author(s), title, subtitle (if any), edition, place, publisher, date of publication, pages, and volumes (if any) (ABNT NBR 6023).

Throughout the article: references should appear with the author's surname, publication date, and page number(s) consulted. If there is more than one work by the same author in the same year, use a, b, and c immediately after the date. Example: (Mortara, 1982a, p. 427).

At the end of the article: the works should be listed alphabetically by the surname (in capital letters) of the first author cited. The second line should not be indented from the first. References must be organized following ABNT standards, as shown below:

Book: SURNAME, first name of author(s). Title: subtitle. Edition number. Place: Publisher and year of publication.

E.g.: NEWELL, C. Methods and models in demography. New York: Guilford Press, 1988.

Book chapter: SURNAME, first name of author(s). Title of the chapter. In: SURNAME, first name of the author(s) or organizer(s) of the book. Title: subtitle. Place: Publisher, year of publication, beginning and end pages of the referenced chapter.

E.g.: ABOUZAHR, C. Maternal mortality overview. In: MURRAY, C. J. L.; LOPEZ, A. D. (Orgs.). Health dimensions of sex and reproduction. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1998, p. 111-164.

Journal article: SURNAME, first name of author(s). Title of the article: subtitle. Title of the journal, place, volume number, issue, initial and final pages of the referenced article, date of publication.

E.g.: SCHELLEKENS, J. Family allowances and fertility: socioeconomic differences. Demography, v. 46, n. 3, p. 461-468, 2009.

Thesis, dissertation and other academic work: SURNAME, initial of author's first name. Title of thesis. Type of document (thesis, dissertation, term paper, etc.), course in parentheses, academic affiliation, place and date of defense.

E.g.: AGUIAR, A. A. de. Avaliação da microbiota bucal em pacientes sob uso crônico de penicilina e benzatina. Tese (Doutorado em Cardiologia) – Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2009.

In electronic media: works of any nature consulted online must necessarily include information on the electronic address, preceded by the expression "Available at:", and the date of access to the document, preceded by the expression "Accessed on:".

E.g.: AHMAN, E.; DOLEA, C.; SHAH, I. The global burden of unsafe abortion in the year 2000. In: WHO - World Health Organization. Health statistics and health information systems, [s.d.]. Available at: Accessed on: 25 Mar. 2023.

Please note: The journal is not responsible for the bibliographical references provided by the authors.



Supplementary Documents


Originality Statement

Complementary submission information form



Financing Statement


If the study was funded, indicate from which source(s) in the Complementary submission information form, as well as details about the role of these source(s).



Additional Information


If the work submitted does not meet the journal's standards, it will be returned to the authors for adjustment and subsequent resubmission.

Original Articles

Política padrão


Política padrão de seção

Techinical Note

Política padrão

Book Review

Política padrão

Point of View

Política padrão


Política padrão