Wage differences between men and women according to condition of migration


  • Natalia Nunes Ferreira Batista USP
  • Maria Cristina Cacciamali USP


Wage differences by gender, Migration, Segregation, Dissimilarity Index, Oaxaca- Blinder decomposition


This article analyzes wage differences by gender, as per condition of migration of the population. By calculating Duncan’s dissimilarity index and the Oaxaca decomposition for wages of male and female migrants and non-migrants, great differences were noted between the southeastern region of Brazil and the rest of the country. The findings show that the great wage differences between genders detected in the migrant population living outside the southeastern region is due to the different valuation on the labor market of male attributes vis-a-vis female. But in the southeast the narrower wage difference between men and women migrants was seen as being due more to the specific characteristics of the workers than to different valuation on the labor market.


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How to Cite

Batista, N. N. F., & Cacciamali, M. C. (2009). Wage differences between men and women according to condition of migration. Brazilian Journal of Population Studies, 26(1), 97–115. Retrieved from https://rebep.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/149



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