Demographic dynamics of the Kamaiurá, a Tupi people living in the Xingu Indigenous Park, in Mato Grosso, Brazil, 1970-1999


  • Heloisa Pagliaro Unifesp/EPM
  • Carmen Junqueira Universidade Católica de São Paulo
  • Luciana Garrido dos Santos Mendaña Unifesp/EPM
  • Sofia Beatriz Mendonça Unifesp/EPM
  • Roberto Geraldo Baruzzi Unifesp/EPM


Kamaiurá, Demography of Brazilian indigenous peoples, Indians of South America, Upper Xingu


This article analyzes the demographic dynamics of the Kamaiurá, a people of the Tupi linguistic group, which, together with nine other peoples of the Aruak, Karib, Tupi and Trumai languages, inhabit the Xingu Indigenous Parque, in the northern part of the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. The sources of data are medical records and vital statistics from the health program of the Federal University of São Paulo at Xingu Park, reported regularly since 1965. The demographic measurements included are: composition by age and sex, gross fertility rates, total fecundity rates, general death rate, and specific death rate by age and sex, proportional mortality by age and sex, and child mortality rates. The study shows that the Kamaiurá have been in a process of demographic recovery, showing a growth rate of 3.1% per year between 1970 and 1999. High levels of fecundity have contributed to the expansion of new generations of Kamaiurá, guaranteeing the group’s physical survival. Relatively low and stable death rates have resulted from improved health conditions, which foster better survival of children, adolescents, adults and the elderly, assuring greater longevity for the population and maintenance of its social organization.


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How to Cite

Pagliaro, H., Junqueira, C., Mendaña, L. G. dos S., Mendonça, S. B., & Baruzzi, R. G. (2008). Demographic dynamics of the Kamaiurá, a Tupi people living in the Xingu Indigenous Park, in Mato Grosso, Brazil, 1970-1999. Brazilian Journal of Population Studies, 25(2), 377–388. Retrieved from



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