Socioeconomic and ethnic-racial inequalities in childhood mortality in Mexico: how much does skin color matter?




Skin color, Infant mortality, Racial inequalities, Counterfactual, Mexico


The aim of this work is to analyze the impact of socio-economic and ethnic-racial characteristics in the likelihood of the death of a child before their fifth birthday. Using data from the Survey of Social Mobility in México ESRU-EMOVI 2017 of the Epinosa Yglesis Center for Studies, our results suggest that women with darker skin tone are 2.82 (1.39, 5.74) times more likely to have lost a child before their fifth birthday than women with white skin tone. These are the results after controlling for different birth cohorts, sociodemographic, territorial and socio-economic characteristics. In a counterfactual scenario, the probability of losing a child is explained by ethnic-racial characteristics up to 28.7%, and by socio-economic characteristics up to 58.5%. The loss of a child is a demographic event unequally distributed in the population, and determined not only by socio-economic characteristics, but also by ethnic and racial characteristics. The idea of miscegenation that proposes racial equality in the population in Mexico proves inaccurate and prevents the saving of lives.


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Author Biography

Jesus Daniel Zazueta Borboa, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI-KNAW) y Groningen University (NIDI), La Haya, Paises Bajos

Jesús Daniel Zazueta Borboa es estudiante de Doctorado en Demografía en el Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute - KNAW y Groningen University. Maestro en Estudios de Población por el Colegio de la Frontera Norte, participó en la European Doctoral School of Demography (2019-2020) en el Centro de Estudios Demográficos de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona y el Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research.


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How to Cite

Zazueta Borboa, J. D. (2023). Socioeconomic and ethnic-racial inequalities in childhood mortality in Mexico: how much does skin color matter?. Brazilian Journal of Population Studies, 40, 1–22.



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