Who takes care of the girl? Care provision and kinship structure in Latin America
Childcare, Latin America, Care policies, Kinship, ProjectionsAbstract
Fertility and mortality levels can define the size and structure of families. Family characteristics also determine caregiving relationships among its members, especially towards children. By using time-use surveys, fertility and mortality data from three Latin American countries with different demographic profiles (Colombia, Mexico, and Paraguay), and variable two-sex kinship models, the care received by children was estimated considering their kinship structure. By 2020, women in the studies nations spend 2.4 times more time than men on childcare, with Mexican women devoting the most time to this activity. We estimated that the number of relatives will decrease over time, leading to a reduction in potential caregiving time due to the decreasing availability of young relatives and the aging of older caregivers. Given the changes in family structures and the feminization of caregiving work, there is a recognized need to implement care systems that provide comprehensive services and redistribute these activities among family members, the community, and the state.
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