Occupational insertion of emigrants of the Metropolitan Areas of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro


  • Ralfo Matos IGC/UFMG
  • Rodrigo Nunes Ferreira IGC/UFMG


Migration, Economic deconcentration, Occupational insertion


This article analyzes the occupational insertion of emigrants from the Metropolitan Areas of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro now living in 78 other different areas in the country. Based on a previous study, the regions chosen represent the most important segments of cities in Brazil. The results of the study indicate that the deconcentration of industry during the period may have generated effects on the third sector in several regions in the central areas in terms of the direction of migratory flows from Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Comparing the occupational situation of different types of migrants, based on the workers’ level of occupational qualification as defined by the numbers of years of schooling, the analysis repeatedly showed that migrants from the Metropolitans Regions of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are better qualified than other migrants present in same areas. The evidence gathered suggests a return to the theoretical question of the importance of large cities as diffusers of economic growth and technical innovation. Moreover, recent information on the evasion of qualified labor from the large cities in crisis would seem to be reinforced by these results.


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How to Cite

Matos, R., & Ferreira, R. N. (2004). Occupational insertion of emigrants of the Metropolitan Areas of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Brazilian Journal of Population Studies, 21(1), 83–100. Retrieved from https://rebep.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/283



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