Title not available in English


  • Mary Garcia Castro UNESCO


The literature on violence, education and youth produced in Brazil and other countries is discussed in this article, with special reference to Hannah Arendt’s treatment of the interplay between power and violence, and the role of education. The author defends the need for more comparative studies on how education deals with violence among youth, including crosscultural analyses, considering the various types of violence. The position defended here is that if, in modern times, violence among youth is a major problem, there are nevertheless some types of violence that can be considered a result of the advanced of democracy. There are different types of violence among youth in Brazil, such as racism and domestic violence, and there are debates on gender systems and masculinity and their relation to certain types of culture that favor violence.


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How to Cite

Castro, M. G. (2002). Title not available in English. Brazilian Journal of Population Studies, 19(1), 5–28. Retrieved from https://rebep.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/328



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