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  • Ana Amélia Camarano IPEA
  • Ricardo Abramovay USP


This paper presents a time series of rural urban net migration by age and sex for Brazil as a whole and five major regions. They refer to the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s and the first half of the 1990s. It was possible to analyse the importance of the rural urban migration of each major region on the Brazilian total migration. Rural-urban migration has been responsible for the reduction of rural population. At national level, this reduction has continued over the last 50 years. During 1950-80, most of the national rural urban migration was originated in the Southeast and the South regions. In the last two decades, it was the rural areas of the Northeast the most important out migration region. Also in this period, areas of agricultural frontier as the Mid West and the North became out migration area. Female predominate on the rural-urban migration but it has varied according to regions and time periods. One consequence is an increase of the rural sex ration and a reduction of the urban ones.


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How to Cite

Camarano, A. A., & Abramovay, R. (1998). Title not available in English. Brazilian Journal of Population Studies, 15(2), 45–65. Retrieved from https://rebep.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/404



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