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  • Rosana Baeninger NEPO/Unicamp


This article tells about recent urbanization processes, regionalism and populational migration in São Paulo State, particularly in its inner area. The emergency of the productive re-establishment process in international terms have contributed in national, regional and local levels to the configuration of selected urban areas. In this case the understanding of the local phenomena requires the understanding of the regional, metropolitan and world phenomena. In São Paulo´s case, the territorial effects of the population and economical decentralization process started in the 1970´s took better place in the new contribute to a populational decentralization process, but also shows a inner populational redistribution which is know by the faster growth of the outside areas, contributing to the diversification and increased importance of the populational migration in the distribution and urbanization process.


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How to Cite

Baeninger, R. (1998). Title not available in English. Brazilian Journal of Population Studies, 15(2), 67–81. Retrieved from https://rebep.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/405



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