Title not available in English.


  • Ernesto Rodríguez Chávez Centro de Estudios sobre a America


The migration crisis 01 Summer 1994. Balance and perspectives of the Cuban migratory flows: 1984-1996. The article argues that the rafters crisis of 1994 and the resulting migration agreements between the United States and Cuba in 1994 and 1995 were a radical turn in policies and migration flows between the two countries. The article also describes the general evolution of cuban migration flows towards the U.S. from the 1984 bilateral agreement up to 1996. As a context it describes the structural elements of recent cuban emigration and the place cubans occupy in the general immigration from Latin America and the Caribbean. In the case of Cuba, the resulting main thesis is that changes in the policies imply only regulation flows according to specific situations and that it continues to be a controled policy of open arms that ensures other strategic interest of the V.S. and places cubans near the general immigrations mechanisms to facilitate changes in an indetermined future.


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How to Cite

Chávez, E. R. (1996). Title not available in English. Brazilian Journal of Population Studies, 13(2), 135–167. Retrieved from https://rebep.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/434



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