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  • Vania Salles El Colegio de Mexico


A new look at the family. This article takes a new look at the institution of file family. It highlights the fact that social relations, by nature familial, produce practices and symbols that pass through various processes of a cultural legitimacy whose nature varies from one society to another. It emphasizes the contribution made by feminist thinking and it gives special importance to the experience of women in the proposition of changing agendas and In the types of cohabitation which are prevalent in family life. It makes a brief critical review of a set of "views” and analytical propositions concerning the theme, indicating the existence of a gap between feminist thinking and knowledge derived from focusing on hegemony in the construction of reality. Within this context, it argues that the new studies about the family are concerned about understanding the situation of the woman and the relationship between gender and generation.


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How to Cite

Salles, V. (1994). Title not available in English. Brazilian Journal of Population Studies, 11(2), 159–170. Retrieved from https://rebep.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/468



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