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  • Magda de Almeida Neves UFMG


Gender relations in public and private sphere: the experience of women workers of CUT movement. This paper aims to analyse gender experience of women workers of CUT movement in public and private sphere. The first part of it points out same questions of the most recent debate on public and private. The second part focalizes the presence of women in syndicalism - their fights and claims. The analysis of the participation of women in this public sphere aims to reveal how their performance, contesting the syndical place as that one exclusively designed for man, started a deep reformulation and so, an enlargement of syndicalist movement.


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How to Cite

Neves, M. de A. (1993). Title not available in English. Brazilian Journal of Population Studies, 10(1/2), 89–98. Retrieved from https://rebep.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/494



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