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  • Rodolpho Telarolli Junior Unesp


The secularization of the vital events registration in São Paulo State. This paper presents the antecedents and the political and economic context under which the secularization of the vital events registration in Brazil occurred, but also the daily conflicts that emerged as a result of such practice in São Paulo Stale. The official record of vital events (birthdays, marriages and deaths) has been secularized in the country with the Republic ProcIamation;it was controlled by the Church and, after that, by the government. In 1888, the legislation created the brazilian system of civil registration and it was implanted in the following year only. Its approval is associated with the crisis, intensified in the last decades of the XIX century, set up in the relationship between Church and Monarchy. During a long time the civil registration was replaced by the religious cerimonies, which were favored by the Church as well as by several centuries of popular culture tradition. In São Paulo State, the establishment of a civil registration system and the elaboration of vital statistics became connected to sanitary question. The main goal was to solve the sanitary problems which put at risk the maintenance of the foreign immigration now toward the São Paulo State coffee plantation.


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How to Cite

Telarolli Junior, R. (1993). Title not available in English. Brazilian Journal of Population Studies, 10(1/2), 145–156. Retrieved from https://rebep.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/498



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