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  • Paulo Roberto Curi UNESP


Grouping of countries according to basic and economic indicators. Countries are grouped according to a collection of basic and economic indicators published by UNICEF, in 1990. Two multivariate statistical methods were used: Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis. The study comprehends 36 countries of the Americas, Europe (including the USSR), the Middle East. Asia and the other continents; they were chosen to include countries having complete information (for the 16 variables used) and in the most varied stages of development. The first principal component was interpreted as a measure of the degree of development, that permitted the ordination of the countries, with emphasis on the position occupied by Brazil (13rd place among the 25 American countries). In general, the most discriminative variables were the mortality rates of infants and children under five, and life expectancy of living.


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How to Cite

Curi, P. R. (1991). Title not available in English. Brazilian Journal of Population Studies, 8(1/2), 112–124. Retrieved from https://rebep.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/526



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