Title not available in English


  • Paulo de Tarso A. Paiva Cedeplar/UFMG


The economically active population (EAP) grows rapidly in Brazil, resulting either from growth of population or increased feminine participation in labor. This rhythm of growth will continue, at least until the end of this century. The impact caused by the recent decline in fecundity will be moderate and will only affect the younger age group. Despite the rapid growth of employment in the processing industry, me relative size of the so-called informal sector has remained stable since 1950. With the EAP rate of growth and the decrease in employment in agriculture, there will be a gret demand for urban employ¬ment in the next 20 years.


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How to Cite

Paiva, P. de T. A. (1986). Title not available in English. Brazilian Journal of Population Studies, 3(1), 63–86. Retrieved from https://rebep.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/613



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